序号 招收方向 专业背景等要求 合作导师 邮箱 是否招收外籍 1 银河系分子云的巡天观测研究。 Survey Study of Galactic Molecular Clouds. 熟练毫米波谱线观测,在分子云观测研究方向有科学产出。 Good at millimeter-wave line observations with publications in the study of interstellar molecular clouds. 杨戟 jiyang@pmo.ac.cn 是 2 21-cm cosmology: intensity mapping, and epoch of reionization; Cosmic microwave background radiation; Large-scale structure formation. Good background in cosmology, some knowledge level in radio astronomy, and strong programming skills. 马寅哲 Ma@ukzn.ac.za 是 3 星系形成的流体模拟研究。 Hydro-dynamical simulation of galaxyformation; 宇宙大尺度结构。 large-scale structure formation of the universe. galaxy formation using hydro-dynamical simulation; galaxy formation and large-scale structure of the universe, experience with using observational data, especially using the luminous red galaxies. 康熙 kangxi@pmo.ac.cn 是 4 弱引力透镜信号测量技术; 图像叠加技术; 弱引力透镜... |
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