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PMO Colloquium简介

  为加强我台研究团组与国际杰出科学家在我台一三五重点研究领域和方向的合作与交流,台学术委员会决定2016年开始启动PMO Colloquium学术报告会。鼓励大家提名报告人,将相关信息发送colloquium@pmo.ac.cn。台学术委员会负责报告的遴选,原则上每月一次,均安排在3-302会议室。欢迎广大科研人员和研究生积极参加。

  To strengthen the collaboration between the leading scientists worldwide and the research groups at Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), we will launch PMO Colloquium from 2016. You are encouraged to nominate speakers to colloquium@pmo.ac.cn. The Colloquium talks, selected by the PMO academic committee, will be arranged monthly in principle. All Colloquium takes place in the conference hall, room 3-302.
