2004年毕业于南京大学天文学系,获理学学士学位。2010年毕业于南京大学天文与空间科学学院,获理学博士学位。2008年至2010年获国家留学基金委员会资助赴美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校物理与天文学系联合培养。2011至2021年任职于南京大学天文与空间科学学院,历任讲师、副教授、教授和博士生导师。2022年1月起,就职于中国科学院紫金山天文台。任国际学术期刊《Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences》下《Fundamental Astronomy》副主编(Associate Editor,2015年11月至今)、SCI学术期刊《Universe》编委(2018年11月至今)。受邀担任MNRAS、EPJC、Physics of the Dark Universe、Ap&SS、Modern Physics Letters A、Chinese Physics C、Foundations of Physics、RAA、《天文学报》、《天文学进展》和《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》等期刊的审稿人和国家自然科学基金通讯评审。中国天文学会会员,中国物理学会会员,国际天文学联合会会员。中国天文学会天文学名词审定委员会第九、十和十一届委员,江苏省天文学会第八届理事,《天文爱好者》杂志编委。
Jing Zhang,Yi Xie,Gravitational lensing by a black-bounce-Reissner–Nordstrom spacetime,European Physical Journal C 82,471 (2022).
Yuan-Xing Gao,Yi Xie,Strong deflection gravitational lensing by an Einstein–Lovelock ultracompact object,European Physical Journal C 82,162 (2022).
Yuan-Xing Gao,Yi Xie,Gravitational lensing by hairy black holes in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet theories,Physical Review D 103,043008 (2021).
Xu Lu,Yi Xie,Gravitational lensing by a quantum deformed Schwarzschild black hole,European Physical Journal C 81,627 (2021).
Xiao-Tong Cheng,Yi Xie,Probing a black-bounce,traversable wormhole with weak deflection gravitational lensing,Physical Review D 103,064040 (2021).
Xu Lu,Yi Xie,Time delay of photons coupled to Weyl tensor in a regular phantom black hole,European Physical Journal C 80,625 (2020).
Xing-Ye Zhu,Yi Xie,Strong deflection gravitational lensing by a Lee-Wick ultracompact object,European Physical Journal C 80,444 (2020).
Cheng-Yi Wang,Yu-Fu Shen,Yi Xie,Weak and strong deflection gravitational lensings by a charged Horndeski black hole,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04,022 (2019).
Feng-Yuan Liu,Yi-Fan Mai,Wen-Yu Wu,Yi Xie,Probing a regular non-minimal Einstein-Yang-Mills black hole with gravitational lensings,Physics Letters B 795,475-481 (2019).
Xu Lu,Yi Xie,Weak and strong deflection gravitational lensing by a renormalization group improved Schwarzschild black hole,European Physical Journal C 79,1016 (2019).
Wei-Guang Cao,Yi Xie,Weak deflection gravitational lensing for photons coupled to Weyl tensor in a Schwarzschild black hole,European Physical Journal C 78,191 (2018).
Shan-Shan Zhao,Yi Xie,Strong deflection gravitational lensing by a modified Hayward black hole,European Physical Journal C 77,272 (2017).
Shan-Shan Zhao,Yi Xie,Strong deflection lensing by a Lee-Wick black hole,Physics Letters B 774,357-361 (2017).
Xu Lu,Feng-Wei Yang,Yi Xie,Strong gravitational field time delay for photons coupled to Weyl tensor in a Schwarzschild black hole,European Physical Journal C 76,357 (2016).
Shan-Shan Zhao,Yi Xie,Strong field gravitational lensing by a charged Galileon black hole,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07,007 (2016).
Yi Xie,Astrometric test of the weak equivalence principle,Physical Review D 98,021501(R) (2018).
Shan-Shan Zhao,Yi Xie,Solar System and stellar tests of a quantum-corrected gravity,Physical Review D 92,064033 (2015).
Yi Xie,Xue-Mei Deng,On the (im)possibility of testing new physics in exoplanets using transit timing variations: deviation from inverse-square law of gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438,1832-1838 (2014).
Yi Xie,Xue-Mei Deng,f(T) gravity: effects on astronomical observations and Solar system experiments and upper bounds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 433,3584-3589 (2013).
Tian-Yi Zhou,Yi Xie,Precessing and periodic motions around a black-bounce/traversable wormhole,European Physical Journal C 80,1070 (2020).
Tian-Yi Zhou,Wei-Guang Cao,Yi Xie,Collinear solution to the three-body problem under a scalar-tensor gravity,Physical Review D 93,064065 (2016).
Yi Xie,Sergei Kopeikin,Post-Newtonian reference frames for advanced theory of the lunar motion and for a new generation of lunar laser ranging. Acta Physica Slovaca 60,393-495 (2010).
Yi Xie,Tian-Yi Huang,Second post-Newtonian approximation of Einstein-aether theory. Physical Review D 77,124049 (2008).