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10月10日 Protoplanetary disk evolution

  报告题目:Protoplanetary disk evolution

  报告人:Dr. Min Fang, Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona, USA

  报告人简介:房敏目前在NASA支持的EOS(Earths in Other Solar Systems)项目的下在亚利桑那大学天文学从事博士后研究,研究的方向主要是原行星盘的演化,以及原行星盘的一些活动,比如吸积和盘风。

  摘要:Protoplanetary disks form as a result of angular momentum conservation during the protostellar core collapse and play an important role in planet formation. A study of protoplanetary disks evolution is important for us to understand the formation of our solar system. In this talk, I will talk about internal and environmental effects on evolution of protoplanetary disks. For internal effects, I will talk about the accretion and disk wind. For the environmental effects, I will show that the photoevaporation driven by the UV photons from massive stars dominates the protoplanetary disk evolution in massive clusters.




