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10月10日 X-Ray Observations with RHESSI, STIX and HXI

  报告题目:X-Ray Observations with RHESSI, STIX and HXI 

  报告人:Dr. Gordon Hurford, FHNW, Windisch, Switzerland and Space Sciences Lab, University of California 

  报告人简介:Hurford博士是美国RHESSI卫星成像原理的设计人,也是将于2020年发射的欧洲Solar Orbiter卫星上STIX载荷的成像设计人。在太阳高能辐射成像原理和方法等研究方面,Hurford博士是国际公认的知名专家。 

  摘要:Hard x-ray observations provide a unique perspective on the fundamental processes of energy release and transport in solar flares. To obtain such observations hard x-ray imaging spectroscopy can use any of several different indirect modulation techniques. This talk briefly reviews the techniques used by RHESSI (a NASA mission recently decommissioned after 16 1/2 years of operation), STIX (to be launched on Solar Orbiter) and HXI (on ASO-S), with a view to understanding of how their design differences affect the type of science that each can do. In particular the talk reviews the scientific accomplishments of RHESSI, as well as identifying the questions that RHESSI was unable to satisfactorily address. The potential of STIX and HXI to extend our understanding of solar hard X-ray emission will then be considered. 




