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4月26日 The missing links of neutron star evolution in the eROSITA All-Sky Survey

  报告题目The missing links of neutron star evolution in the eROSITA All-Sky Survey 

  报告人:Adriana Mancini Pires(德国波茨坦天体物理研究所,研究助理)

  报告摘要Since the discovery of the first radio pulsar more than fifty years ago, the population of neutron stars in our Galaxy has grown to over 2,700. A handful of these sources, exclusively seen in X-rays, offer a privileged view of a variety of emission processes and evolutionary channels that cannot be probed through the bulk of the radio pulsar population. The forthcoming all-sky survey of eROSITA will unveil the X-ray faint end of the neutron star population; therefore, it has the unique potential to advance our understanding of the sources that are especially silent in the radio and gamma-ray regimes. In this talk I will review how alternative scenarios of neutron star evolution (in particular, involving magnetic field decay and fallback accretion) can explain the observed neutron star phenomenology. I will also discuss the expected role of eROSITA, and the challenges it will face, at probing the galactic neutron star population. 




