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5月22日 Heating the corona by transverse waves: heating diagnostics from 3D models

  报告题目:Heating the corona by transverse waves: heating diagnostics from 3D models  

  报告人:Pro. Tom Van Doorsselaere (比利时鲁汶大学 

  报告简介:In this talk, I will discuss the recent 3D models of solar coronal loops andplumes that are driven with transverse waves that are launched from the lower,photospheric boundary. In the coronal loop simulations, the driving results inthe efficient setting up of fundamental kink modes resembling decayless kinkwaves. We assess the correlation between the observed amplitude and the energyinput in the system. In the coronal plume simulations, the photosphericdriving launches propagating kink waves. These become turbulent via the newmechanism of uniturbulence. They can be observed to yield a correlationbetween Doppler shift and non-thermal line width, in line with the observations.   




