题目:Interplanetary Suprathermal Electrons
简介:王玲华,美国加州大学伯克利分校物理系理学博士。北京大学新体制长聘副教授、博士生导师。主要致力于日球层高能粒子物理的研究,参与了多项国际空间探测项目的粒子探测器的研制和观测分析:WIND, STEREO, CINEMA, Solar Orbiter, and Solar Probe+;负责WIND/3DP和STEREO/STE的探测数据的校正和解释。研究方向包括:1.太阳和日球层高能粒子(包括电子,离子和中性原子)的产生机制和传播原理;2.太阳高能粒子对地球磁层的效应;3.太阳与日球层高能粒子探测器的研制;4.日球层和星际空间之间的粒子相互作用和能量传输。
摘要:Interplanetary suprathermal electrons carry important information on the electron acceleration and transport at the Sun and in the interplanetary medium. There are two major phenomena of interplanetary suprathermal electrons: solar wind suprathermal electrons and solar energetic electrons. Solar wind suprathermal electrons are found to be continuously present in the solar wind, including a strahl population, halo population and superhalo population. Solar energetic electron events are thought to be accelerated in solar eruptive events such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections, lasting from tens of minutes to a few days in the interplanetary medium. I will present our recent studies on solar wind suprathermal electrons and solar energetic electron events.
时间:2019年10月22日 上午10点