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Rediscovering the outer disk of our home galaxy

  报告题目:Rediscovering the outer disk of our home galaxy  

  报告人:王海峰云南大学西南天文研究所,博士,LAMOST Fellow

  摘要:In the Gaia era, with the help of Large sky surveys such as current 2MASS, SDSS, RAVE, PanSTARRS, LAMOST, APOGEE, DES, TESS catalog and future plans such as 4MOST, WEAVE, MSE,WFIRST,LSST, etc. There is no doubt that we are entering into the golden era to investigate the formation history and structure of our home galaxy in multiple stellar populations of six phase space by chemical tagging, time tagging and kinematics . Our home galaxy is a typical dynamic systems that are perturbed by bars, spiral structures, warps, tidally disrupt satellite galaxies and dark matter subhalos.These processes will leave behind some imprints on stars. Recent years, I focus on the outskirts of our home galaxy, including Chemo-kinematical structure and dynamics, I really want to try my best to figure out : what about the morphology of the outer disk? Where is the truncation of the milky way disk? What are the mechanisms for the many asymmetric substructures, flare, warp, thick disk? How do the dark matter halo, bars, spiral arms interact with the stellar disk? Meanwhile, I also have great passion for: How about the halo’s creation, structure, and potential? How about the bulge’s dynamics? There is still a long way for us to go with this project, in this talk, I prepare to share my recent new progress about the Galactic outer disk with LAMOST and Gaia data.  



