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Galactic Mass and Anisotropy Profile with Halo K-Giant and Blue Horizontal Branch Stars from LAMOST/SDSS and Gaia

 Title:Galactic Mass and Anisotropy Profile with Halo K-Giant and Blue Horizontal Branch Stars from LAMOST/SDSS and Gaia

 Speaker:Dr. Sarah Bird (Aliyun Fellow, NAOC)

 Abstract:A major uncertainty in the determination of the mass profile of the Milky Way using stellar kinematics is the poorly determined anisotropy parameter, beta = 1 - ( ( (sigma_theta)**2 + (sigma_phi)**2 ) / ( 2 * (sigma_r)**2 ), where sigma_r is the Galactocentric radial velocity dispersion, and sigma_theta and sigma_phi are the tangential components of the velocity dispersion. We use a sample of over 22,000 Galactic halo K giant and blue horizontal branch stars from the ground-based LAMOST and SDSS/SEGUE stellar spectroscopic surveys, combined with proper motions from the space telescope Gaia, to measure beta(r) over a wide range of Galactocentric distances r from 4 to 100 kpc. We investigate the extent to which a much improved knowledge of beta influences the determination of the Galactic mass profile M(r) as a function of r.


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