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Resolving the Impact of Supermassive Black Holes in the Largest Galaxies of the Universe

  Title: Resolving the Impact of Supermassive Black Holes in the Largest Galaxies of the Universe

  报告人:邱宇(北京大学科维理所 博士后)

  Abstract: Some of the largest galaxies in the Universe reside in the centers of galaxy clusters. Enshrouding these central galaxies, a reservoir of X-ray emitting plasma, known as the intracluster medium (ICM), is cooling at a rate of 100-1000 solar mass per year (M⊙/yr). However, the star formation activity is only proceeding at 10s of M⊙/yr in these giant elliptical galaxies. Where is the rest of the cooling mass? If no baryons are missing, how are they heated and star formation quenched?

  Meanwhile, observations of these galaxies have found ~10^10 M⊙ of molecular gas, some of which forms extended filaments spanning the entire galaxy. What drives the formation of these cold filaments? How do they coexist with the ambient hot plasma?

  To answer these questions, both theory and observation point to the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the center of these galaxies. In this talk, I will briefly review the discovery and mysteries of the ICM, and introduce recent simulation efforts to understand how energy released during SMBH feeding (a.k.a., active galactic nucleus feedback) is able to solve these mysteries.



