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Remote sensing observations of CMEs and shocks from the Sun to the Interplanetary Medium

  报告题目:Remote sensing observations of CMEs and shocks from the Sun to the Interplanetary Medium

  报 告 人:Prof. Alessandro Bemporad 1) Turin Observatory of Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) 2) Turin University, Italy

  报告摘要:The observations of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) with remote sensing instruments are unique in providing information on their source regions and early evolution in the inner corona, regions of the solar atmosphere that will never be explored by in situ instruments. The remote detection of CME-driven shocks also allows to investigate how the Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) are accelerated near the Sun. These observations are of fundamental importance to understand (in combination with in situ data) how CMEs evolve into their Interplanetary counterpart (ICMEs) propagating from the Sun to Earth, and beyond. Moreover, the early detections from full-disk imagers, coronagraphs, and radio spectrometers allow the quick determination of CME kinematical properties, information that, supported by numerical modeling and coupled with measurements from the in situ data, are the basis today for the provision of Space Weather predictions. Most recent results from these observations are summarized here, with particular emphasis on the most recent space-based instruments on-board the Solar Orbiter mission, also discussing future possibilities by the forthcoming instruments.



  邀请人:封莉 研究员

