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A Cosmological Higgs Collider

  报告题目:A Cosmological Higgs Collider

  报告人:鲁诗韵 博士后(中国科学技术大学)

  报告摘要:The quantum fluctuations of the Higgs field during inflation could be a source of primordial density perturbations through Higgs-dependent inflaton decay. By measuring primordial non-Gaussianities, this so-called Higgs-modulated reheating scenario provides us a unique chance to probe Higgs interactions at extremely high energy scale, which we call the Cosmological Higgs Collider (CHC). We realize CHC in a simple scenario where the inflaton decays into Higgs-portal scalars, taking account of the decay of the Higgs fluctuation amplitude after inflation. We also calculate the CHC signals of Standard Model particles, namely their imprints in the squeezed bispectrum, which can be naturally large. The concept of CHC can be straightforwardly generalized to cosmological isocurvature colliders with other types of isocurvature perturbations.



