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Microwave Diagnostics of Flare Plasma by the Direct Fitting Method Based on Data of the Siberian Radioheliograph

Title:Microwave Diagnostics of Flare Plasma by the Direct Fitting Method Based on Data of the Siberian Radioheliograph

Reporter:Victor F. Melnikov \ Principal Investigator \ Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract:In recent years, the problem of solar flares is especially topical in connection with abrupt jump of spatial, temporal and spectral resolution of ground-based and space solar telescopes. In microwaves, the most known are MUSER, EOVSA, and Siberian Radioheliograph. Of great importance is also the recent development of theory and numerical codes for simulations of high energy electron acceleration, propagation, and radio emission generation.

In this talk, I will show some examples of how we can use these research tools for diagnostics of electrons and plasma parameters in solar flares. First, I'll demonstrate the main effects which influence the microwave emission characteristics. Then, how these effects allow us to determine spatial, energy, and pitch-angle distributions of accelerated electrons. And finally, how these effects help us measure magnetic field and its dynamics in the radio source of a flare.



