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- GodEyes 伽马射线暴统计模拟软件的发展与应用 & Interpretation of anomalies of galactic co...2023/08/24
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- A Cosmological Higgs Collider2023/08/17
- On the importance of heavy fields in pseudo-scalar inflation2023/08/16
- Reconstructing the assembly of massive galaxies2023/08/16
- Thermal effects of a massive vector boson and the corresponding applications2023/08/15
- PMO Colloquium:Hot Jupiters and Super-Earths: Spin-Orbit Dynamics in Exoplanetary Systems2023/08/07
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- Structural evolution of galaxies since cosmic noon2023/07/20
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- EDM and collider tests on 2HDM with CP-violation2023/07/19