- 司天工程——凝望宇宙、见微知著2020/11/06
- 现代天文学前沿讲座—超新星遗迹对宇宙线的贡献2020/11/05
- Journal club public talk:Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows In The Multi-Messenger Era: Numeri...2020/11/05
- Probe of Supernova Progenitors with Gamma-ray Observations2020/11/04
- Searching for strong lenses in Kilo Degree survey with Convolutional Neural Networks2020/11/03
- Science News & Journal club public talk2020/10/29
- 现代天文学前沿讲座—太阳高能活动和空间观测2020/10/27
- Lamost对Kepler天区的观测及中分辨率光谱巡天计划与进展2020/10/26
- Science News & Journal club public talk2020/10/22
- Study Galactic Cosmic Ray Solar Modulation in the heliosphere2020/10/21
- 现代天文学前沿讲座—太阳爆发活动和日地空间天气2020/10/20
- Searching for Dark Matter in the Sky2020/10/16
- 宇宙射线的研究与展望2020/10/15
- 现代天文学前沿讲座—暗物质探测2020/10/13
- 冰质小天体的形成和演化2020/10/09
- 现代天文学前沿讲座--宇宙恒星形成历史研究和观测计划2020/09/29