The annual Donglu Astrophysics Forum is designed to strengthen the existing and to build new links and collaborations between the newly established SWIFAR ( and the domestic as well as the international community. This very first one of the series is to seek and build synergy of MEPHISTO (, a 1.6m multi-channel photometric survey telescope currently under development at SWIFAR, with other either already operating or planned national and international facilities, such as SkyMapper, Gaia, WFST and LSST in the optical, EP and SVOM in the X-ray and gamma-ray, and LIGO and VIRGO for the gravitational waves.
Scientific Organizing Committee: James Binney (U. of Oxford), Zuhui Fan (YNU), Zhanwen Han (YNAO), Taotao Fang (XMU), Jinliang Hou (SHAO), Biwei Jiang (BNU), Yipeng Jing (SJTU), Xi Kang (PMO), Enwei Liang (GXU), Weipeng Lin (SYSU), Xiaowei Liu (YNU, Chair), Mathias Schultheis (UCA), Hans-Walter Rix (MPIA), Nicolas Walton (U. Cambridge), Xiaofeng Wang (THU), Tinggui Wang (USTC), Christian Wolf (ANU), Li Zhang (YNU), Shuangnan Zhang (IHEP), Gang Zhao (NAOC), Jilin Zhou (NJU)
Local Organizing Committee: Bingqiu Chen, Xinzhong Er, Xiaoming Guo, Yang Huang, Guangxing Li, Xiangyun Li (Chair), Dezi Liu, Xiangkun Liu, Xun Shi, Chun Wang, Yong Yang, Meng Zhang, Zhaojin Zi
Preliminary program
Day 1 (Monday, April 1): Large-scale sky surveys
Session 1: Ongoing surveys
Session 2: Forthcoming surveys
LSST, Einstein Probe, SVOM, CSS-OS, WFST, MEPHISTO…...
Day 2 (Tuesday, April 2): Near-field cosmology
Session 1: The Galactic (sub)structure and evolution
Session 2: The Galactic gravitational potential and (dark) matter distribution
Session 3: The chemodynamic properties of the Galaxy and evolution
Session 4: The Local Group of galaxies
Day 3 (Wednesday, April 3): Time-domain sciences
Session 1: Supernovae
Session 2: Gamma-Ray bursts/GW sources
Session 3: AGNs/QSOs/TDEs
Session 4: Galactic variable stars and exoplanets
For registration and abstract submission: Pls contact Zhaojin Zi (
Submission deadline: February 15, 2019.