- 中国天文学会第21届郭守敬学术研讨会暨2019年星系宇宙学前沿研讨会(2019年5月10-13日,中国...2019/03/20
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- 1st ANNOUNCEMENT The 1st Donglu Astrophysics Forum The era of large-scale sky surveys: ...2019/01/15
- COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop(March 9-20,2019,Mohali,Punjab,India)2018/10/07
- China-Chile Bi-lateral Meeting 2019(2019-01-22--2019-01-27,Kunming,China)2018/11/16
- “中国天文学会行星科学与深空探测前沿研讨会暨中科院行星科学重点实验室2018年学术年会”二...2018/11/28
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- 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2018)(Dec 10-13 2018, Seattle, ...2018/08/27
- Breakthrough Science with the Thirty-Meter-Telescope(December 10-12 2018, Pasadena, CA)2018/11/16
- The 2018 KIAA-PKU Astrophysics Forum “Future Ground-Based Astronomical Facilities in C...2018/07/30
- 中国虚拟天文台与天文信息学2018年学术年会(2018年11月21-25日,江西景德镇)2018/10/08
- The life and times of the Milky Way - The symbiosis between Gaia and ground-based spect...2018/07/06