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   “实用星表与选星软件 航天科技集团一院



  红外星表及视位置归算软件 中国船舶重工集团

  “红外星表选星软件设计、精度分析及试验研究” 航天科技集团一院


  傅燕宁. 1993. 2000-2015年中国33个城市可见的月掩四颗亮恒星事件,紫金山天文台台刊,VOL.12,No.4

  Fu, Y.-N., Xia, Y.-F., 1995, Prediction of planetary occultations of compact extragalactic radio sources during 1995.0-2050.0. A&Ap Supplement, v.110, p.47.

  Fu, Yan-Ning, Huang, Tian-Yi, He, Yu-Nan, 1995, A method of predicting occultations of point sources by the planets and the moon, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 19, Issue 3, p. 400

  傅燕宁. 1995. 进行被掩源初选的一种方法及其运用,紫金山天文台台刊,VOL. 14, No.2

  傅燕宁, 冼鼎璋, 姚海燕, 曹云. 1995, 2000-2015年中国36个城市可见的月掩四颗亮行星事件,紫金山天文台台刊,VOL. 14, No.1

  成灼,何玉囡. 1998. 水(金)星凌日的程序化预报方法,紫金山天文台台刊17卷第3期,1-7

  成灼,何玉囡. 1998. 2000-2050中国可见的水星凌日事件,紫金山天文台台刊17卷第4期,42-47

  傅燕宁. 2000. 频率分析方法及其在历表表达方面的应用简介, 紫金山天文台台刊, 5,19

  何玉囡,姚海燕,曹云,傅燕宁,成灼. 2000.历书激光排版系统,紫金山天文台台刊,1

  Ren, S. L., Tao, J. H., Fu, Y. N.: 2005, Two-epoch series of precession quantities in IAU 2000 and post IAU 2000 precession-nutation models, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 29, Issue 3, p. 283-292.




  任树林,傅燕宁. 2006,“双星轨道拟合的研究进展,文学进展,24210

  Ren Shu-LinFu Yan-Ning. 2007A Method to Improve Binary Orbits by Incorporating Long-term Observational DataChA&A 31 277

  Ren Shulin, Fu Yanning. 2008, The role of pre-Gaia positional data in determining binary orbits with Gaia, Proceedings of the IAUS No. 248, 16


  Xia F, Ren S-LFu Y-N. 2008, The Empirical Mass-Luminosity Relation for Low Mass Stars ApSS,314, 51

  Li, P. J.;  Fu, Y. N.;  Sun, Y. S. 2009, Adapting Marchal's test of escape to real triple stars. A&A, 504, 277


  Sun, Y. S., Fu, Y. N. 1999, Diffusion Character in Four-Dimensional Volume-Preserving Map, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, v. 73, Issue 1/4, p. 249-258

  Fu, Yan-Ning, Sun, Yi-Sui, Zhou, Ji-Lin. 2002, Non-linear stability of the equilibrium of a system of mass points, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 26, Issue 3, p. 354-362.

  Alain Albouy, Yanning Fu. 2007, Euler Configurations and quasi-Polynomial Systems, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 12, 39

  Alain Albouy, Yanning Fu, Shanzhong Sun. 2008, Symmetry of Planar Four-Body Convex Central Configurations, Proc. R. Soc. A, 464, 1355

  Albouy, Alain, Fu, Yanning. 2009Relative equilibria of four identical satellitesProc. R. Soc. A465, 2633

  LI Zhengdong,FU Yanning. 2010, The Optimal Upper Bound of the Number of Generalized Euler Configurations. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, Volume 53, Issue 2, 401-412


  Fu, Yan-Ning, Sun, Yi-Sui. 1998, Long-term evolution of spheroidal galaxies with locally isotropic velocity distribution, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 22, Issue 4, p. 429-441.

  Fu, Y.-N., Sun, Y.-S. 1999, Virial equilibria of spheroidal galaxies with anisotropic velocity distributions, MNRAS, 303

  Fu, Y. N., Huang, J. H., Deng, Z. G., 2003, Formation of bulges in very late-type galaxies from super star clusters, MNRAS, 339, 2, 442

  Huang, J. H., Deng, Z. G., Fu, Y. N.: 2003, Bulge Formation in Late-Type Galaxies --- Cuspy- vs Soft-Core Dark-Matter Density Profiles, PASJ, 55, 6, L89

  Fu, Y. N., Huang, J. H., Deng, Z. G.: 2004, The role of circumnuclear SSCs in the formation of small bulges, The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei, Proceedings of IAU   Symposium, No. 222. Edited by T. Storchi-Bergmann, L.C. Ho, and Henrique R. Schmitt. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004., p.171-172

  Fu, Y. N., Huang, J. H., Deng, Z. G.,2004, Relation between MBH and Mbulge: A Simulation Study, Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, from the Carnegie Observatories Centennial Symposia.   Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series. Edited by L. C. Ho, 2004. Pasadena: Carnegie Observatories,

  Liu, Wen-Hao, Fu, Yan-Ning, Deng, Zu-Gan, Huang, Jie-Hao. 2005, An Equilibrium Dark Matter Halo with the Burkert Profile, PASJ, 57, 4, 541

  Fu Yan-Ning, Liu Wen-Hao, Huang Jie-Hao, Deng Zu-Gan. 2007, Bulge Formation from Super Star Clusters in a Responding Cuspy Dark Matter Halo, ApJ, 662, 250

  尔昕悦,江治波,傅燕宁. 2008, 嵌埋星团质量分层的数值模拟研究,天文学报,49336


  Xu Xingbo,Fu Yanning. 2009, A new class of symmetric periodic solutions of the spatial elliptic restricted three-body problem. Science in China Series G-Physics, mechanics and Astronomy, 52, 9, 1404-1413

  Jian LI,Yan-Ning FU, Yi-Sui SUN. 2010,  The Hill stability of low mass binaries in hierarchical triple systems. Celest Mech Dyn Astr , 107, 21

  Xia F. & Fu Y.-N., 2010, The V-band Empirical Mass-luminosity Relation for Main Sequence Stars, ChA&A, Volume 34, Issue 3, p. 277-287

  Liu H.-D., Ren S.-L., Xia F. &Fu Y.-N., 2010, A Study on the Kinematics of Hierarchical Triple Stars,ChA&A, Volume 34, Issue 2, p. 174-186

  Shulin REN,Yanning FU, 2010, Orbit determination of double-lined spectroscopic binaries by fitting the revised Hipparcos intermediate astrometric data. The Astronomical Journal, 139, 1975.

  Shulin REN,Yanning FU. 2010, Orbit determination of the single-lined spectroscopic binaries by using the revised hipparcos intermediate astrometric data, EAS Publications Series, accepted.